Zodiac boat tours
Often you will see zodiac boat tours advertised and you might wonder what kind of boat a zodiac is. Zodiac is the name of the French manufacturer that made and still makes these inflatable boats under the name Zodiac. As zodiac boats have dominated the market in Iceland in the past, people often refer to any type of inflatable boat tours as a Zodiac boat tour. Other strong types of inflatable boats of exist like the DSB boats from Germany (Deutsche Schlauchboot).
These strong rescue boats like the Zodiac boats and the DSB boats are perfect for the extreme conditions. Such conditons you can find in icelagoons here in Iceland.
Fjallsarlon and Jokulsarlon zodiac boat tours
In Fjallsárlón (Fjallsarlon glacier lagoon) and Jökulsárlón (Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon) you will sometimes find one or both glacier lagoons packed with icebergs that have calved from the towering Vatnajokull Glacier. In these conditions the icelagoons sometimes get completely covered with small icebergs, the zodiacs are then the perfect vessels to navigate around and through the ice as they are small and easy to steer around the floating icebergs. Why do you need strong boats made from strong material like the Zodiac boats and the DSB boat? These boats are made from Hypalon fabric, both light and superstrong rubber that can take a hit from the ice without getting damaged.

Fjallsarlon Iceberg Boat Tours
During challenging conditions, it’s standard practice for tour companies that offer boat tours in glacial lagoons to dispatch boats ahead of passenger vessels to clear a path through the ice so that others can follow. In this case a Zodiac boat would take on the role of an icebreaker. By sailing back and forth on these rubber inflatable boats sailors make waves and then the ice slowly but surely will start moving away by the force from the waves. Skilled sailors will at times also push the icebergs gently out of the way, clearing the field of ice in the icelagoon, making a road or route, clear of ice. Observing the team in action during their mission can be fun to watch. After securing the path and safety of the guest’s zodiac boat tours can commence.
This is not an easy task and is only done by people with years of experience being and working around icebergs. Making a path through icefields requires a deep understanding of nature, the icebergs and the natural conditions to make this possible.

Happy customers with Fjallsarlon Iceberg Boat Tours
Technical information
Inflatable boats such as the Zodiac and the DSB are designed with protection against the unlikely event of punctures or tears. They feature 6-8 independent air compartments, ensuring continued endurance even if one or more compartments are compromised. While such incidents rarely occur during tours, it’s worth noting that these Zodiac boats are engineered for extreme conditions and are considered rescue vessels capable of navigating in challenging environments.
Rigged inflatable boats (RIB boats) are the types of boat with inflatable sides but at the bottom you have a hard V-shaped shell bottom. The other type of bottom on zodiac boat would be with a flat rubber bottom. Boats with a rubber bottom can land just about everywhere as these boats are not deep in the water.
A variety of zodiac boat tours, scheduled, private and luxury offers!
In Iceland you can choose between few zodiac boat tours. These boats are the perfect vessels that can go places other boat types cannot go. Sailing in an icelagoon surrounded by icebergs is just an example of the strength of these boats. By choosing an inflatable boat like the zodiac boat or the DSB boat you are choosing a safe option. It’s an option that will get you closer to nature, icebergs and glaciers during your tour.
At Fjallsárlón we always sail up to the gigantic glacier wall as safe as it is to go. We only offer zodiac iceberg boat tours on the lagoon. We aim for a small boat – big adventure experience for all our guests and pride us in offering personal and professional tours away from the crowds. Fjallsarlon glacier lagoon can’t be seen from the main ring road. Therefore it’s a hidden gem out of sight, many tourists will drive past the exit focusing on Jokulsarlon as their next destination. What will you do this summer?

Among Icebergs at Fjallsarlon
Our Tours
We offer the following zodiac boat tours on Fjallsárlón Iceberg Lagoon