On a beautiful autumn day in September 2015 Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol came to Fjallsarlon lagoon to film a part of the music video Gerua. Fjallsarlon lagoon with it´s floating icebergs was chosen due to the picturesque landscape and unique setting.
The operation went brilliantly. Our guides skilfully sailed with the movie stars and camera team to the perfect filming spot, taking great care of the safety and comfort of the crew the whole time. Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol proved to be real professionals. Despite the cold wind on the day, great scenes where the couple danced on an iceberg were filmed. In one of Shah Rukh Khan interviews about the video he refers to the part filmed at Fjallsarlon as, “the most spectacular was dancing on the iceberg“. Ever since the video and movie came out, we have welcomed guests that have travelled to Iceland and joined our boat tours solely to visit the locations of the music video. You will find the scene filmed at Fjallsarlon at 3.30 minute. Check out the video and the making of the video here:
Check the excursions organized by our tour company: