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Top Glacier Tours in Southeast Iceland: A Guide for Adventurers

1 Fjallsarlon Boat Tour - Iceland

If you’ve come to Iceland in the hope of experiencing its majestic glaciers, then the south east of the country is where you should set your sights. This corner of Iceland is not only where you’ll find Vatnajökull, a vast ice cap that shrouds an area covering a sizeable proportion of the country’s total area, but also its numerous outlet glaciers. These are the ideal place to have some ice-based adventures – let’s find out more with our roundup of some of the top glacier tours you can take in south east Iceland.

What kinds of tours and activities are available in this part of Iceland?

In south east Iceland, home to dazzling iceberg-strewn glacial lagoons such as Fjallsárlón, you’ll encounter the widest variety of glacier tours. Whether you’re keen to pull on some crampons to hike over the rutted surface of the ice, venture inside a glittering ice cave or hop in a boat to get close to the icebergs after they’ve calved off the glacier, this is the place to do so. The proximity of the glacier to Iceland’s main ring road and the ease of getting from the lagoon to ice at higher elevations make Fjallsárlón a convenient and straightforward option for travellers who don’t want to overcomplicate things.

Preparing for your tour: what to expect

Boat tours on a glacier lagoon

The adventure begins as you arrive at Fjallsarlon lagoon, as you’ll see the icebergs floating around from the shore. But even so, you’ll want to get out onto the water to get a closer look, the CLASSIC BOAT TOUR is an activity tour no one should miss. We’ll make sure you are kitted out in suitably warm clothing and are wearing a lifejacket as you step on board a Zodiac. These rigid inflatable boats are perfectly suited to their task: fast enough to get out on the furthest reaches of the lagoon, nippy enough to navigate closely around the floating chunks of ice and sturdy enough to be safe if the wind picks up making the water a little choppy. Enjoy the smooth sailing as the breeze messes with your hair and as the engine is cut, embrace the silence of this untainted environment. Looming large is the glacier Oraefajokull with its huge glacier wall, a magnificent backdrop to the tranquil lagoon, together making this one of the most jaw-dropping landscapes in the whole of Iceland.

Ice hikes – Glacier hikes off the beat track

As with the Zodiac boat trips, this activity tour kicks off with a bit of excitement. Getting up on the glacier is great fun, as you’ll be transported to the glacier car park in one of Iceland’s famous super jeeps. These specially modified vehicles have the high clearance needed to cope with the uneven terrain both on and around the glacier. Once up on the ice, crampons and helmets in place, our guide will lead you through this magical landscape, where the presence of moraines, plunging crevasses and lofty ridges means that there’s always something different to see. You’ll have plenty of time to soak up the breathtaking scenery and get acquainted with the glacier’s different features under the watchful eye of our expert. Combine this activity with a boat trip as part of our Ultimate Glacier Adventure.

The ultimate in ice-related activities, our ARCTIC GLACIER HIKE 4 hrs opens up the pristine landscape of Fjallsjökull. Overlooking the lagoon, this is one of Vatnajökull’s outlet glaciers and somewhere that relatively few visitors see for themselves. This small group tour begins with a ride in a 4×4 to the starting point of a splendid hike. Typically, we cover about 5 to 7 kilometres at an unhurried pace, taking around three hours to complete the round trip. You’ll ascend gently, making this trip suitable for most people in reasonable shape. Along the way, the guide will explain some of the glacier’s features and highlight points of interest in the surrounding area. You’ll return to the Fjallsárlón base camp, where Frost restaurant is the ideal place to unpick what you’ve just experienced over some tasty food and a hot drink should you decide to hang around for a bit.

Ice cave tours

Nature is arguably at her most exquisite within the glacier as we’re sure anyone who has set foot inside an ice cave will agree. These are potentially dangerous places and not somewhere you can explore without an experienced and knowledgeable local guide. Tours run throughout the colder months when it is generally thought that the ice is more stable. The compacted ice has a delightful translucent quality and a vivid blue hue in high winter that really has the wow factor. Its rippled and dimpled surface created by summer meltwater that has refrozen as winter approaches. These cavernous spaces are one of the most extraordinary types of landforms you’ll encounter anywhere in Iceland. As you stand in the jaw-droppingly beautiful ice cave and gaze up at its frigid ceiling, it’s astonishing to think of all that ice that’s right above your head. Check out this link VATNAJOKULL PREMIUM ICE CAVE if you are interested in good quality tour, we even offer you tomato soup and hot drink free of charge.

Overnight at the AuroraHut

In our busy and chaotic world, the chance to find solitude and seclusion is highly sought after. It’s easy to achieve in summer and autumn at Fjallsárlón. The AuroraHut is an igloo boat that floats on the water of the lagoon; you’ll reach it by Zodiac as there’s no access on foot. Boasting glass walls from floor to ceiling, there’s nothing to get in between you and nature. In summer, Icelandic days merge together; experiencing round the clock daylight is an adventure in itself. Earlier or later in the year, as night draws in, lie back and look at the stars. If the skies are clear and solar activity is sufficiently high, you could even get lucky and see the Northern Lights in this dark, remote location. With a composting toilet, small kitchen, electricity and even WiFi, this is the ultimate Icelandic glamping destination. THE OVERNIGHT ADVENTURE is the perfect activity tour if you want to experience a unique stay nowhere to be found elsewhere in Iceland

When can you take a glacier tour in south east Iceland?

There’s no wrong time to take a glacier tour – getting your timing right just depends what kind of tour appeals most. Our different options at Fjallsárlón and Fjallsjökull span the whole year. For instance, boat trips run throughout the summer season, coming to a natural pause as the colder temperatures of the encroaching winter cause the lagoon to freeze over. Our AuroraHut sleepovers need the water to be accessible by boat, so we offer these from early summer to autumn. Time your stay for autumn if you hope to catch sight of the Northern Lights while you’re on board our igloo boat.

Glacier hikes also require reasonably good weather; the season for this activity typically runs from May/June to October. Under a blue sky, this unspoilt landscape is unmatched. If you’re in Iceland during the winter months, then this is the time to consider an ice cave tour, when the cavernous spaces under the glacier are at their most stable after prolonged periods of colder weather. A stop at Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon and Diamond beach should also be on your list.

Whichever tour you’re considering and whenever you end up visiting, make sure you include a glacier experience of some kind as you pass through south east Iceland. Though you can see mighty the mighty Vatnajökull from the road, you’ll be very glad you incorporated a glacier tour into your itinerary to get a closer look at the ice. Parking is free at Fjallsarlon Glacier Lagoon. Why not take a look at Fjallsárlón website and see which type of activity best suits your needs?

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