Boat tour classic

Fjallsarlon Icebergs Glacier Lagoon

What is Fjallsárlón?

Fjallsárlón or Fjallsarlon is a natural glacial lagoon located in Southeast Iceland within Vatnajökull National Park. The lagoon started to form about 70 years ago when Fjallsjökull glacier started to retreat. In earlier times, as the glacier expanded the glacier carved into the landscape pushing hills and land aside making a gap of 100 meters below sea level. Naturally when the glacier started to melt away Fjallsarlon, a magnificent glacier lagoon slowly materialized right in front of the glacier tongue. Fjallsarlon is now the 4th deepest lagoon or lake in Iceland.

Ice formations are a common sight in Fjallsarlon glacial lagoon.

Ice lagoons in Iceland – Zodiac Boat Tours

Often you will see zodiac boat tours advertised and you might wonder what kind of boat a zodiac is. Zodiac is the name of the French manufacturer that made and still makes these inflatable boats under the name Zodiac. As zodiac boats have dominated the market in Iceland in the past, people often refer to any type of inflatable boat tours as a Zodiac boat tour. Other strong types of inflatable boats of exist like the DSB boats from Germany (Deutsche Schlauchboot).

inflatable boats sailing on a glacial lagoon close up to the glacier wall.

Boat tours in Southeast Iceland

Iceland is often referred to as the Land of Fire and Ice but no visit to the country would be complete without water. There are some great boat tours that you can book to get out on some of the most scenic lakes, lagoons, rivers and coastal waterways. You’ll often be treated to the bonus of some wildlife sightings too such as seals or birdlife. If you are looking for a hidden gem you should visit Fjallsárlón lagoon during your next trip. Here are some of the boat tours South Iceland can offer.